Senin, 28 November 2011


-Reading was like travel to another world_tori_harvest moon rune factory
-...get older get wiser..._natly7icons
-peace up_bisma smash
-wise is good,but to annoying
-there's no rainbow without a rain
-nothing is imposible


Sabtu, 26 November 2011

Follow mah twitter!

Follow my twitter @gabyulibasa thats my private acc 
And heres my latest fandom account on twitter @WeAreEmirFans LATEST. I will make a new one though(if that possible)  and i have a stalking acc so shush. I probably stalk you. LOL 

New Blog!!!

Haaaaalllloooo!!! Blog baruuu neeh! *bangga* isinya.........macem-macem
Jaadiii.... Karena saya bingung mo nulis apaaa.... Sampai jumpaaa...:D