Rabu, 18 Desember 2013


Ever heard of this? well its a show about a time traveler called time-lord. He travels around the planets, civilitation, and time. and save them from danger

 He is called the Doctor. he could regenerate. he have this ship called the TARDIS "Time And Relation Dimension In Space"

TARDIS could travel around the world and time. in this TARDIS too, the Doctor could regenerate . this is the pic of the TARDIS

The Doctor is the last of his kind. The Time-Lords. most of them, well, all of them except the Doctor died in the greatest war, called the Time-War. its a war between the Time-Lords and the daleks. what is a Dalek?
that is a Robot, well not really . the inside of the daleks, is a kind of octopus alien thingy.

anyway, the Doctor have companions. you might be one of them :)

-doctor who is from bbc. not belong to mine-